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Design Conferences And Debates To Attend At Maison Et Objet 2019


Maison Et Objet 2019

The popular event Maison Et Objet starts tomorrow and we are so excited! From the celebration of the best designers, to with the showcase of the greatest and most creative creations from all around the world, this incredible event also offers an excellent program on key conferences and debates. This event will be held September 6-10th and it will be another opportunity to discover the unexpected and to explore the future of living. Join My Design Agenda and discover the design conferences and debates you need to attend.


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Design Conferences And Debates To Attend At Maison Et Objet 2019

At each session, Maison Et Objet 2019 presents a rich, and extremely important program of conferences and workshops chaired by experts and addressing key subjects. They’re discussed throughout three venues where it’s all about learning, analyzing new trends, finding inspiration and exchanging with other professionals.

Design Conferences And Debates To Attend At Maison Et Objet 2019

These key conferences and debates are categorized into crucial sectors: architecture, design, digital, marketing, trends, and retail. These sectors are attributed to three venues, with specific topics: The Retail Lab, The Work! Conferences and The Talks. Each event is carefully divided in order to fulfill every attendees’ needs. You’ll be able to be a part of many fascinating talks, from hospitality to retail and exceptional designers to advanced solutions for interior design and trend analyses.

Design Conferences And Debates To Attend At Maison Et Objet 2019

The Retail Lab will be concentrated at Hall 1, and it sits on the advice and innovation dedicated to retail outlets. They explore the best practices, studying emerging trends and sharing experiences cutting-edge debates/workshops conducted by retail specialists. Debates such as “Designers & La Redoute, 50 years of collaboration, an analysis”, by , the director of Designer Partnerships & Image, from La Redoute; “Boost your business in France and abroad with the Amazon Marketplace”, with Elise Beuriot, the Head of Marketplace at Amazon, and many more.

The Work! Conferences analyze the changing workplace and consider solutions for a more interactive and convivial home inspired professional environment. There will be talks such as “The Convergence of Office Spaces and Hospitality” with Jean-Philippe Nuel (President of Jean-Philippe Nuel Studio), Philippe Amiotte; “Philippe Chiambaretta redefines office space”, by Philippe Chiambaretta (Architect) moderated by Philippe Tretiack (Journalist) and “Elle Decor at Work: The evolution of workspace”, with Livia Peraldo Matton (Editor in Chief Elle Decor Italy).

Design Conferences And Debates To Attend At Maison Et Objet 2019

The Talks are the go-to space for conferences and debates, whether in the hotel industry, the retail business, cutting edge interior design solutions and excellent designers, or an analysis of the latest trends. At this section, you’ll get to see conferences such as “Plastic: a second chance”, by Rossana Orlandi (Founder of Guiltless Plastic), Alexander Schul (Designer) moderated by Clara Le Fort (Editor & Creative Director); “The style Laura Gonzalez!”, with designer of the year, Laura Gonzalez (Architect Designer) moderated by Sylvie Adigard (Journalist and Producer) and “Gilles and Boissier: the French touch in New York”, with Dorothée Boissier-Gilles & Patrick Gilles (Architect, designer) moderated by Marie Godfrain (Journalist). Also at Maison Et Objet 2019 you’ll also get to see “When Designers tackle scenography?”, a talk with India Mahdavi (Architect, designer), Constance Guisset (Designer) moderated by Marie Godfrain (Journalist).


Are you going to attend MAISON ET OBJET 2019? Discover more design guides here.

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