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Inspirations Design Book


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Hábitat Valencia 2019: The Highlights Of Day One


Hábitat Valencia 2019

Hábitat Valencia is finally live! This amazing event is the most important interior design showcase event in Spain that is happening until the 20th of September at Fira Valencia. Join us and discover everything that you are missing!



Hábita Valencia is aimed at the national and international market as well as to the different channels (home, contract office, outdoor, etc…) Furniture and lighting manufacturers will present their new products and developments, not only to national agents and sales points but also to international buyers and specifiers. They will help those companies who haven’t yet taken their first step to launch their export business and will assist those companies already having export experience in the consolidation and expansion of their presence in foreign markets.

The event also offers visitors, which come in from all over the world, the chance to endorse in a conference program that will have some of the best experts in several different areas. These include innovation, design, architecture, interior design, and even marketing! A great panel with insights into the industry, its present, and its future!

Make sure you don’t miss LUXXU! Find them at N2-P2 Stand D46.:7

Hábitat Valencia 2019: The Highlights Of Day One

Hábitat Valencia 2019: The Highlights Of Day One

Hábitat Valencia 2019: The Highlights Of Day One

Hábitat Valencia 2019: The Highlights Of Day One


Discover other popular stands at Hábitat Valencia 2019: 


Are you going to attend HÁBITAT VALENCIA 2019? Discover more design guides here.

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