Salon Art+Design
This November, the Salon Art+Design fair will take over the Park Avenue Armory in New York City for its eighth annual incarnation. The Salon Art+Design will feature 56 leading art and design galleries, from 14 different countries, spotlighting the trends of collectible design. Join My Design Agenda and discover the TOP exhibitors.

A globally respected gallerist and one of the leading forces and tastemakers within the collectible design market, Gabrielle Ammann formed ammann//gallery in cologne in 2006. known for her unique curatorial approach, she cultivates a cutting-edge program devoted to innovation and connoisseurship in the fields of fine art, design, and architecture.
David Gill inaugurated his first gallery on London’s Fulham Road in 1987. From the opening, he exhibited work by world-renowned artists such as Jean Cocteau, Giacometti, Yves Klein, and Henri Matisse. Over the last thirty years, David Gill Gallery has evolved into a global presence, exhibiting in Basel, Dubai, London, Miami, New York, San Francisco, and Shanghai.
At this brand’s stand, you’ll be able to find pieces for all tastes and from all the major design brands in the world, namely, Boca do Lobo, Delightfull, Brabbu, Maison Valentina, Circu, Luxxu, Essential Home, Rug’Society, Pullcast, and Foogo. Don’t miss this chance.
Galerie Negropontes is run by Sophie Negropontes, its founder, and Hervé Langlais, designer, and artistic director. Its ambition is to present exceptional creations, made by craftsmen with unequaled skills, reconnecting with French decorative arts in a resolutely contemporary vision. The gallery appeals to men and women passionate about their craft, renowned craftsmen, cabinetmakers, mirrors, or even marble workers.
Nancy Gabriel and Guillaume Excoffier are the founders of Gabriel & Guillaume, an ephemeral traveling gallery for decorative arts created in 2013. Together, they aim to dust off interior design retail by giving it an original and avant-garde approach.
Demisch Danant was founded in 2005 by Suzanne Demisch and Stephane Danant. The gallery specializes in twentieth-century French design with an emphasis on the late 1950s through the 1970s and represents the work of Maria Pergay, Pierre Paulin, Jacques Dumond, Joseph-André Motte, Pierre Guariche, Michel Boyer, Antoine Philippon & Jacqueline Lecoq, and René-Jean Caillette. Curated exhibitions on historical work are presented within environments that reference architecture and interiors of the era.
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