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Inspirations Design Book


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object rotterdam 2019

OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 Event Guide


From Friday 8 to Sunday February 10, the design fair OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 will see its opening at the modern HAKA building. The platform OBJECT Rotterdam grows with every year and offers an even greater selection for the 2019 edition. For this OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 edition the tradeshow expects numerous partecipants, among which well known names, famous labels, and many upcoming designers.

object rotterdam 2019

Visit Object Rotterdam 2019 and enjoy an exceptional event full of ingenious design and impeccable taste. The entrance fee is 12,50 for a standard ticket and tickets are exclusively available at HAKA.

OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 Event Guide

ABOUT OBJECT Rotterdam 2019

The OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 fair is a platform for the latest limited editions and one-offs from well-known and upcoming designers working in different design disciplines and with various materials. OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 plays the role of a file rouge between edge-cutting between design, crafts, fashion, architecture and art. The tradeshow is definitely a must-see for collectors, professionals and other design enthusiasts.

object rotterdam 2019

One of the most interesting traits of the Rotterdam event is that participants can only enter by invitation. OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 is in fact a curated fair where designers are carefully selected to keep the right balance between well-known names and upcoming talents. As well as between different design disciplines and materials, applied design and more autonomous installations.

OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 Focus

The 2019 edition of OBJECT Rotterdam is thought to focus on rising stars. Over 75 well-known and upcoming designers will present their innovating objects. The HAKA building is a monument of modernity and it’s this year’s venue of choice. OBJECT Rotterdam 2019 is affiliated with Art Rotterdam Week, which is running almost simultaneously to OBJECT Rotterdam 2019, and powered by Rotterdam Festivals.

Architectural highlights about HAKA

Just as last year, the tradeshow is held at a new location, the characteristic HAKA building in Vierhavensstraat 38-42 and near the lively Vierhavensgebied. Designed in 1931 by the architects H.F. Mertens and J. Koeman, the HAKA building is located near the Rotterdam harbour, in between the Van Nelle factory and the center of the city. The close and busy Vierhavensgebied is where several wellknown design studios are to be found.

2019 Partecipants

We picked 3 of the designers that will be taking part to OBJECT Rotterdam 2019.

Michela Segato – Inspired by the abundance of abandoned inner tubes, Michela Segato questions the short lifespan of products and their production. By reconsidering their role she is rethinking our resources.
The condition of Air is an ongoing research which investigate the intrinsic possibilities that inner tubes posses, looking beyond their traditionally assigned usage. Through binding, restraining and cutting the tubes are reinvented, inviting us to take a different point of view on the humble inner tube.

michela segato object rotterdam 2019

Sonja Cabalt – is a multi disciplinair artist/designer, located in Amsterdam. By exploring a broad range of materials, techniques and processes, often combined with traditional crafts, she aims to create new poetic worlds.
At OBJECT 2019 Cabalt will show a series of monumental soft sculptures made of artisan felt, combined with her latest porcelain objects, both based on processes ot growth. The pieces are blurring the lines between art and design. As well as being environmentally friendly, the soft sculptures could be effective for sound absorption in rooms with acoustic problems.

sonja cabalt object rotterdam 2019

Raw Color – The work of Raw Color reflects a sophisticated treatment of material and colour by mixing the fields of graphic design and photography. This is embodied through research and experiments, building their visual language. Daniera ter Haar & Christoph Brach work on self initiated and commissioned projects in their Eindhoven based studio.
Your tickets to OBJECT Rotterdam 2019

raw color object rotterdam 2019
Object opens from 11am to 7pm on each day of the three days. There will be a free shuttle service between the iconic Van Nelle Factory building, the HAKA building and Rotterdam city centre. Get your tickets on the OBJECT Rotterdam website.

object rotterdam 2019

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